Application that can use chatGPT and Codex in streamlit to run and we must reflect this evening on the title of the application, it will be an application whose role will be to create code or to ask it through the text to create a video game [metadata] name = openai version = attr: openai.version.VERSION description = Python client library for the OpenAI API long_description = file: long_description_content_type = text/markdown author = OpenAI author_email = url = license_files = LICENSE classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Operating System :: OS Independent
[options] packages = find: python_requires = >=3.7.1 zip_safe = True include_package_data = True install_requires = requests >= 2.20 # to get the patch for CVE-2018-18074 tqdm # Needed for progress bars typing_extensions; python_version<"3.8" # Needed for type hints for mypy aiohttp # Needed for async support
[options.extras_require] dev = black ~= 21.6b0 pytest == 6.* pytest-asyncio pytest-mock datalib = numpy pandas >= 1.2.3 # Needed for CLI fine-tuning data preparation tool pandas-stubs >= # Needed for type hints for mypy openpyxl >= 3.0.7 # Needed for CLI fine-tuning data preparation tool xlsx format wandb = wandb numpy pandas >= 1.2.3 # Needed for CLI fine-tuning data preparation tool pandas-stubs >= # Needed for type hints for mypy openpyxl >= 3.0.7 # Needed for CLI fine-tuning data preparation tool xlsx format embeddings = scikit-learn >= 1.0.2 # Needed for embedding utils, versions >= 1.1 require python 3.8 tenacity >= 8.0.1 matplotlib plotly numpy scipy pandas >= 1.2.3 # Needed for CLI fine-tuning data preparation tool pandas-stubs >= # Needed for type hints for mypy openpyxl >= 3.0.7 # Needed for CLI fine-tuning data preparation tool xlsx format
[options.entry_points] console_scripts = openai = openai._openai_scripts:main
[options.package_data] openai = py.typed
[options.packages.find] exclude = tests tests.*